Government Small Business Support: Worth the effort or not worth the effort ? That is the Question…

Silicon Cape
07 Sep 2010

Hello beautiful PPL. Smile, its SPRINGTIME !!!

I’m not sure if anyone has had a similar experience with our government institutions…

I’ve recently dealt with Umsobomvu Youth Fund or rather the NYA (National youth agency) and things were very optimistic in the beginning… Apparently, the government has set aside millions for youth development and small business development and alike… Apon filling in the countless amount of forms and waiting a few months for “document processing”, the answer always seems to be…

“The program is on hold, please try again later in the year”

The sad part is seeing the 10-20 new, optimistic faces, waiting in line to sign up for the same thing… and we all know their fate…

What a waste of talent! What is up with our government promising things and NOT acting on them…

Not everyone has a rich uncle or angel investor waiting to invest in my prized business idea… Where are we suppose to get the capital…

Are there governmental institutions that will actually “give you money”

Are there governmental institutions that can help?

MMMMnnnnn! I wonder…
